National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin
Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 April 2018
The Dublin Orchid Fair, and the visit of the Royal Horticultural Society's Orchid Committee was a great success. Members and visitors had a large selection of orchids, both species and hybrids, to choose from at the sales table of Burnham Nurseries. Sales were brisk and by end of weekend there was little left to choose from. We hope you are enjoying your new purchases and that they grow and flourish.
The Royal Horticultural Society's Orchid Committee were given a tour of the Library and living collections by Brendan Sayers and then held their public meeting in the meeting room at the rear of Richard Turner's magnificently designed Curvilinear Range. Ten plants were put forward for judging and four were fortunate to be awarded. Two Miltoniopsis from the Eric Young Orchid Foundation received Awards of Merit, a Certificate of Cultural Commendation was awarded to Burnham Nurseries for their plant of Maxillaria variabilis and an unregistered hybrid cross (Zygodisanthus) of Paradisanthus bahiensis and Zygopetalum Kiwi Magic, with the cultivar name of Emerald Isle, shown by Michael Tibbs, received a Preliminary Certificate subject to being registered within the next 6 months.
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Some pictures from the fair:
Visitors to the Dublin Orchid Fair were greeted on entry to the Teak House by members of the Irish Orchid Society. Thanks to those who volunteered to sell raffle tickets, engage with visitors and help promote the Society. Another big thank you to members who brought along their plants for the IOS show. It was rewarding to see what members have growing in their collections and congratulations to those who were successful in the awards.
Just Seen This, Now…. ! Our Fair Is Always Special And So Worth It….This Past Year, Was Even More So, As Some Of Us Went To The R.H.S.O.C Meeting, Which Was Envigorating. Certainly, A Most Worthwhile Experience For Me. Well Done And Thank You, To Our Irish Orchid Society.
Very enjoyable fair! I bought a Masdevallia and Paphiopedilum Maudiae.